Friday, February 18, 2011

When I woke up this morning

there was no way I could tell how the day would turn out. The night itself had been okay, quite a few ups and downs but to be honest I think if I got a full night's sleep without the ups and downs I'd just about have heart failure. I'm tipping it isn't going to happen in the near future. Maybe when the kids leave home, who knows.

Anyway, the day started with Angus waking up gurgling, as he does, and smiling at me, as he also does, and which I love. So up we got and Tabitha was just stirring. So up she got too. Angus had a roll around on the floor and Tabitha and I had a bit of a 'chat' which was lovely. Then miss Lexi awoke and came running out to give me cuddles (another thing I love) and we all started the day with a bowl of nutri grain (well, the girls did, I don't eat nutri grain. I had coke. Healthy).

So you see the first part of the day was lovely. It was happy, and joyful, and the kids were all wonderfully well behaved and things were great. Ah yes this will be a good day. Do you remember me saying that as soon as you assume something it turns itself around and boots you up the bum? Or something similar..... Well, I was afflicted by that today. The first part of the day lulled me into a false sense of security, waited until I felt suitably happy and comfortable, and as such less on guard, and then it took itself and rammed itself fair up my right royal in the most unforeseen way.

I think it must be a record to be in a house less than three days before you flood it.

I could elaborate. I won't. It was not my fault, and in fact even though fault technically could be passed, it was one of those freak things that really just doesn't happen. Except to me of course.

So I ring my saviour of late and she arrives laden down with more dry towels for me to mop up the carnage, and a bunch of beautiful bright pink gerberas. Such a lovely person. Such a good friend.

After a bit more mopping I made a bolt and grabbed fish and chips for everyone because I think it was needed, and we had actually planned to have fish and chips for lunch anyway.

Time passed, more jumping on towels, and before my eyes the furniture was being assembled for me. I have attempted to do this. I have come to the conclusion that I am actually a little bit retarded as far as stuff like that is concerned. Actually quite a lot of stuff. I went to get the milkshake maker out of the garage (still in a box) and dropped the metal cup on my big toe which promptly swelled up and now feels as though a truck has driven over it. So you see overall it was not really a great day. It would have been a hell of a lot worse without the help of my friend though, in the clean up and the furniture building stakes, and to whom I am incredibly grateful. Again.

I did however phone up the daycare centre. They have vacancies. I am going there next Tuesday afternoon for orientation, then the girls will be going to daycare one or two days a week. I'm HUGELY excited about this. Lexi will have a ball, Tabitha will hopefully learn to interact a bit better (although I must say every day she is improving. I think she is just a precious personality), and I will get some much needed study time and time to do shopping and whatnot. Angus will still stay home with me. He's too little to send to daycare. Well, he probably isn't, but I don't want him to go there just yet.

Last night I opted not to finish my essay because I came to the conclusion that it was stupid. I still believe that it is stupid however I have realised today that this methodology will not actually help me get it finished and thus complete that subject. So I'm sucking it up and getting my brain into foreign investment. As you do. And while I do that my toe is on fire, I have a load of towels in the dryer ready for the next instalment of jumping, and all the kids are asleep and it is 7.15pm. That rocks.

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