Sunday, February 20, 2011

It is 11.27pm

and I have done 1766 words of this godforsaken bloody international commercial law assignment that is due tomorrow. It is supposed to be 2500 words but there is a 10% leway thing either way so I'm aiming for 2250.

Without a doubt this is the hardest assignment I have ever done. Foreign investment. I mean seriously. What the hell was I thinking. The three assignments for this subject have been the convention on international sale of goods, international maritime law and the changing legislation and foreign investment. Holy giraffe shit batman that is just wrong. Why the hell did I choose to do this subject??

I think what frustrates me the most is the fact that I have really enjoyed the other two subjects in this course. A lot actually. So much so that I have received honorary membership into the nerds fellowship of online study. But this. My god seriously I just can't do it. I don't understand it. I don't give a flying razoo about it. But I need to pass it. And it frustrates the crap out of me more because I did really well on the first assignment. Meh-ly on the second one. But this one, well, let's just say it ain't going down in history. And no, I'm not being modest. The only reason I have any words at all is that I have 8 books in front of me and google. There are a bloody shitload of quotes in there.

Now you may notice that in most of my posts I neglect to swear. I don't think it is necessary, and there are plenty of other words that can adequately make a point.

You will notice that in this post I swear. I am physically unable to think of any other words to describe the predicament in which I find myself.

I have until tomorrow. I do not think I am getting any sleep tonight. And that is to compound the minimal sleep I have been receiving of late. I don't think it's healthy.

And I have a pimple on my chin. And my fingernails are too long and need cutting. I hate having fingernails. They just get in the way. And feel yuck. And I see people do all pretty fandangled things to theirs and I'm like yeah nah. Don't think so. Nail polish actually feels "heavy" to me. I hate it. I hate all the stuff associated with it. I have had 2 pedicures in my life though. And they rock.

Crap. I still have to do this essay. Dammit.

1 comment:

  1. I wouldn't even know where to begin writing an assignment like that. I hope you managed to get it done, and get some sleep.
