Saturday, February 19, 2011

I'm fairly sure

it's broken. My toe that is. It is very swollen and bruised. I have actually broken that same toe (the big one on the right) twice before. The first time I was lifting a table off a rack and dropped it straight on there. That did not tickle. The second time, well, let's just say I can not take full responsibility for my actions on that occasion.

Anyway, both those times it hurt. But it didn't bruise or swell anything near like it has this time. So odds are. Oh well, there isn't anything they can do for a broken toe anyway. The hardest part is not the hobbling around in pain, it's the avoiding children stepping on it. That is damn near impossible.

Had a much better day today than yesterday. Early start again, mini dude up at 6 or so. Little feed, roll around, and I got a very small amount more done on the essay from hell. I have all of 2 days left. I seriously better light a fire under my butt and get a wriggle on with it. I am just having so much trouble. Aside from the fact that I have zero interest in the subject matter I simply don't understand it. It is to me much like the instructions for putting together the furniture that I was unable to put together over the last few days and required assistance with (in other words someone else put it together for me).

I have now pretty well got the house set up the way I want it. There are still a few things I would like to get, however we have all the basics and a few extra bits too, thanks to some very very generous friends. We are certainly spoilt in that regard I must say. I often wonder what I have done to deserve such wonderful friends who go to such lengths to help me. It is flabbergasting really. Absolutely mindblowing. And I love that I have these friends, and hope that I can return the favours some day and hitch a carriage onto the karma train.

I think I have procrastinated long enough, time to get nasty with myself and do this bloody essay.

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