Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Be careful what you wish for.

because you just might get it.

Yesterday I found myself wishing that all three kids didn't get up at 5.23am, as it was the second day in a row that this had happened, all three kids waking up at the same time at that horrid horrid hour.

Today my wish came true. Angus woke at 3.53am wanting a feed, as you do. And he didn't feel very tired after this feed either. Lexi was awake at 4.30am. Why? Emmy (her incredibly well loved pink elephant) had fallen out of bed so Lexi, being the caring dutiful mummy to Emmy promptly also fell out of bed. Lexi however didn't handle the fall quite as well as Emmy did. Either that or Emmy is very good at holding in her emotions. Angus went back to bed at 5.15am. Tabitha woke up at 5.23am.

So there you go. My wish came true. All three kids did NOT get up at 5.23am. Only Tabitha did. But oh how I did wish that all three would have got up at 5.23am.

The silver lining to this relatively grey sleep cloud is that at 5.30am on Nick Junior is a show called Patrick and Friends. Tabitha has a doll she loves more than anything called Julia. I thought Julia was just some random little dolly chick with plaits. Apparently not. Julia was on the telly at 5.30am as part of Patrick and Friends. See, if I hadn't have been well and truly up at that time I would never have known this. Well, I know it isn't much of a silver lining, but I'm clutching at straws here while trying not to accidently pour my coffee into my eye socket because I'm unable to focus and can't feel my body properly due to sleep deprivation.

Give me a few hours and a few thousand milligrams of caffeine and I'll be right.

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