Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Some days

just drag. It wasn't a hugely early start this morning. Angus was up through the night from 3.15am til 3.45am, then Tabitha woke up at 3.46am and remained alert, awake, upset and fairly inconsolable til just before 5am. I managed to squeeze in another hour's sleep before the troops awoke. So I guess although it started later than usual the night itself was what might be classified fairly long.

Visitors always makes the day more pleasant and today was no exception. It's also always great to chat with someone else about kids, not kids, life in general, future, past, basically anything. And have coffee. While it's hot. It is actually easier when visitors are over because the kids interact with the "newbies" that have entered the house, and although there may be some friction or some issues with height/weight/toy difference, the kids just love it.

Lexi has been a little demanding today. I have absolutely no idea why, or whether she is in fact being demanding or whether it is I who is just a little less tolerant today. It's hot, again, just for something different, and I do think that has a bearing on one's mood. They say that grey miserable rainy days reflect on your mood. So sticky, hot, muggy, oppressive days must do the same. You would think anyway.

I'm having a burl at this online shopping caper today. So I jumped onto Woolies online to see what I could do. Well, I can tell you, once you get yourself into a routine and get sorted out with what you need and want, and have navigated your way around the site, it will be SUCH a time saver, and having it delivered also. HOWEVER, the first time is NOT quick and easy and hassle free because you really don't know what you're doing so every page is new, every discovery opens up other options, and basically I have been sitting here on and off for the last two hours and still don't know if I have finished my shopping yet. But I'll press on. I think I saved my shopping list so I can come back to it later. I think.

During my forays into the world of online grocery shopping the girls were being, hmm, how shall I say this, annoying as all get out, so I decided that a piece of chocolate would solve this. And so I gave Tabitha a piece of chocolate (a clinker to be precise), Lexi reached in and grabbed literally hands full and I told her that she could have two, one in each hand. She put the others back, no questions asked, and retained one in each hand. She then promptly gave one to Tabitha. I just about cried - how gorgeous that she was given two and her first instinct, that she acted on and was happy with, was to share with her sister. I got such a warm glow (and I reached in and grabbed another clinker for Lexi.....). It is truly wonderful when you witness things like that.

Five minutes later, when Lexi grabbed the toy from Tabitha's hand and ran off I wasn't quite so proud, but shhhh if you don't tell anyone I won't......

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