Friday, November 5, 2010

Say cheeeeesecake

If you ever feel the need to make a cheesecake, having never made a cheesecake before, it is advisable to do the following:

a) read the recipe thoroughly prior to commencing and making sure you have all the necessary ingredients
b) read the recipe to ensure you have the necessary equipment to make the cheesecake
c) make sure you even have a cake pan
d) do not, under any circumstances, attempt this as part of "cooking with the littlies" time.

Currently I have a cheesecake baking in the oven that is full of lumps as I don't have a food processor. Half the mix remains in the bowl that Lexi is still stirring because she didn't want to part with the "fun", a good portion of the mixture is in her hair, around the table and even on the ceiling (how we managed that one I will never know).

And so we wait to see if the caramel cheesecake works. I must also say that it is advisable to use SOFT cream cheese if you do not in fact have a food processor, for continuously working the cream cheese to a soft enough consistency to ram into the pan with the sour cream and egg mixed through enough that you won't get mouthfuls of googy and sauce will create sufficient friction to remove all the skin from the palm of your hand.

And that has been the lesson for the day. That is all.


  1. Hahahaha that sounds like many of my cooking experiences LMAO! Hope it tastes good.

  2. I'll have to check with one of the others as to how it tastes.....I don't eat it.....except when I'm pregnant lol :)
