Sunday, November 14, 2010

I've said it before

and I'll say it again. It's all about perspective.

See five years ago if you had told me that I would be ecstatic to be waking up at 4am I would have thought you were crazy. Yet this morning, upon waking at 4am I was literally filled with glee (the emotion, not the TV show). Why you ask? Because Angus had slept from 8pm last night. Yep. He did his first ever 8 hour stretch. What made it even better was the fact that the girls also slept through. So me, she of the sleep deprivation, managed to get over 6 hours sleep. In a row. And my goodness me, I slept like the dead.

I think I might clean the toyroom out today. The girls quite obviously have far too many toys. How do I know this, or why do I believe it? I shall tell you. There are several boxes in the toyroom. These boxes contain a mixture of different items including, but certainly not limited to, soft toys, stack uppy hoopy things (as you can tell my vocabulary is not at its peak first thing in the morning), trains, annoying toys that play ridiculously plinky music when you push their buttons, hair bands (escapees from the bathroom), tupperware snack cups (escapees from the kitchen), books, miniature pillows, handbags and the list goes on. The floor is covered by one of those piece together jigsaw puzzle kind of alphabet mat things. Here's a picture of the girls playing on it at the start of its life. And yes, it has now seen better days.

Anyway, I had a point. Now to find that point. Ah yes, they have many toys. But last night it would seem that this was not sufficient. Oh no, not at all. Instead of playing with one of their toys, in their toyroom, they opted to play on the kitchen floor. The object of their attention? A toothbrush.

So my theory is that I can piff some of the useless plastic rubbish that is obviously too uninteresting for the girls, and for Christmas this year I can select a nice range of dental hygiene products for them. Sounds like a plan.

Speaking of Christmas I've been thinking lately about things that we can get for the girls and mini dude and coming up fairly blank. As has been established we have more than enough toys, so I need to think outside the square. I'm thinking of going for the arty crafty cooking kind of theme. Yep, that's the go. Not for Angus though, I'm not sure he'd enjoy it too much. Then again, maybe he would. He seems pretty mature for his age....

The girls are actually in the toyroom at the moment, systematically dismantling the mat you see pictured above. It's a fabulous mat, it really is, but it does get frustrating to sit down to watch tv or have a coffee only to remove a B from underneath your backside, although it may well be that the girls are smarter than I give them credit for and they are saying B is for backside, that's where it goes. Or maybe I'm still just a little sleep deprived. One or the other.

Duty calls. Lexi is in her cupboard as we speak working out what she would like to wear today. She is also requiring a nappy change, as they do. And so the day, once again, begins and I wonder what my munchkins will provide by way of comic relief and insanity for me today.

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