Sunday, November 28, 2010

It is a well known fact

that the difficulty level in having a photograph taken wherein everyone is looking at the camera increases exponentially the greater the number of children you have. The graph also receives a sharp nudge the closer together in age these children are.

I am not sure if you would class my photographic quest as successful or not, you be the judge. This was one of the first ones....

and further attempts resulted in this.....

At least all the kids are visible. I do have a lovely one of Lexi, Angus and myself however the only part of Tabitha that pops in is her right foot. Hardly a portrait with the three kids. Ah well, I'm happy I at least got a few shots.

You know when you are a mum, as well as putting everyone else first and thinking of yourself basically as an afterthought, 99% of the time it is you, as mum, with the camera. Thus many key events pass by with no evidence that you were even present, save for the fact that someone has wonderfully captured the spirit of the day. Don't get me wrong, I'm not actually a huge fan of having my photo taken, predominantly because I have been pregnant for about a hundred years so have felt like a pygmy hippo with attitude for quite some time. I think once I trim down a bit and finally treat myself to some clothes and maybe a haircut my attitude might change. But I will still be the one with the camera won't I.....

Oh, and I'm devastated to add that my shameless plug of earlier, which I can't promise I will never do again because I do love a good competition, was fruitless. Alas I was not to be the recipient of the $200 gift voucher. No matter, I'll keep trucking away entering as much as I can. Why? Cos I love free stuff, that's why. Bring it on.

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