Monday, November 29, 2010

Youtube is great.

You basically have any sort of music videos you like at your fingertips. Now the girls love love love to dance. Lexi, well, she isn't the most coordinated child but she does enjoy music and dancing. Tabitha is a little rocker and gets her groove on without a problem.

This morning Mick decided to play them some songs on Youtube. So there was the standard request "Tickle star" from Lexi. And so "tickle star" was played. I was more than unimpressed by this. Strange you say. Well no, not really. For it is not the song so much as the rendition that upset me. It was the Wiggles. I hate the Wiggles. I really really hate the Wiggles. I have declared this house a Wiggle free zone. They weasel their way in through the Kingdom of Paramithi, which they are not in but are solely responsible for, and also on the little snippets on ABC. Not impressed. So I was more than happy with the next song, Old McDonald, to which the girls danced around making chicken actions and the like. Tabitha was probably less taken by the nursery rhymes as Lexi. However when we put on Short Stack Planets she went off like a frog in a sock. There was literally no stopping her. Mini chick booty shaking like nobody's business and the blonde curls she has retained because we haven't cut her hair yet being thrown all over the place. Adorable. Then Lexi screams "my turn my turn". We ask what song she would like. See if you can guess........... Yep. Tickle Star. She also likes the ABC song, which, I realised, is quite confusing. For I was changing channels on the tv today and told her play school was on on the ABC, and then of course she wanted the song. Trying to explain to a 2 year old the difference between ABC the song and ABC the television station is more difficult than you would think.

I made the comment this morning that "mummy really needs to have a coffee". What followed next was nothing short of brilliant. Lexi reached up on to the sink and got my mug (I only ever drink coffee out of one mug, it is black and shiny and I have black coffee and it just is a comfortable mug from which to drink and I won't have coffee if I don't have my mug) and she passed it to Tabitha, who then very delicately walked over and placed it on the table. Lexi then went to the drawer, removed a teaspoon and placed that beside the mug. There you go. Done well.

Funniest thing that happened today, without a doubt, was when I went to iron a shirt for Mick. I rarely iron. Read that as never. However today a shirt was required and I volunteered to iron it. I got out the ironing board, and it became quite obvious how little I iron as Lexi thought we had a new table. She was quite put out when I folded it up and put it away. She had her little red plastic chair sitting beside it and everything, bless her.

Well I just heard the hugest noise, which sounded like nothing a child should be able to make, so I went to investigate. It was the coathanger from the aforementioned shirt being repeatedly belted against the cupboard door interspersed with hysterical laughter alternating between Tabitha and Lexi. So I removed the coathanger from Lexi's grasp, to which she stomped her feet, screamed "go away" at me and ran away. And I had the natural reaction you have when your child chucks a tanty, and I burst out laughing. I really don't mean to but seriously her tanties are just hilarious.

And so she started laughing, Tabitha started laughing, I was still laughing, and the world is a happy place. And Angus is asleep. Nice.

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