Saturday, November 6, 2010

It's the simple things in life

Like finishing a cup of coffee. And having a shower. Now these are things we take for granted pre-children. This morning I indulged in the luxury of both of these things occurring within a mere 10 minutes of one another. How do I feel? Absolutely amazing, recharged, fired up, ready for that which the day has prepared to throw at me.

As for yesterday, well, it didn't end so well after the cheesecake episode. If you were ever wondering how long a 2 year old can be amused sitting stirring a bowl of lumpy cream cheese, sugar and sour cream, the answer is at least 45 minutes. During this time however I did manage to bath Tabitha and feed Angus, as well as get half the dishes done so I guess in retrospect the minor meltdown Lexi had when I went to remove said bowl was actually a bit of a godsend.

As another side note, if you ever wondered what surface area approximatly two tablespoons of said lumpy cream cheese mix covers, the answer is, when applied with a bottle brush (which appeared to be the implement of choice) the answer is the entire bench space near the sink as well as half the cupboard door under the sink. I bet you feel better knowing that....

As for today, the sun is shining, I'm on to my second form of caffeine, my hair is washed, my children are in surprisingly good moods considering the cold still lingers (and has found its way into me aswell about which I'm not too impressed) and we're hoping for visitors today so mummy can have some grown up time, the kids can belt around in the toyroom and maybe, just maybe I'll be able to finish another cup of coffee while it's still warm.

I can dream can't I??

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