Tuesday, November 16, 2010

A few more minutes

and Play School will be over so things will buzz into action again, but for now I have a little time. That seems to be the story of my life, buzzing buzzing going mad getting things done and chasing after little folk unless one of two things is on TV - Play School (which I believe deserves a medal for its consistent ability to keep the kiddies amused) and Mister Maker. Now Mister Maker is an English show. It is absolutely sensational. This wild young fellow gets up in his little studio room that has bright colours and bits and pieces everywhere and spends about 15 minutes just making things. It is an arty crafty show that both the girls absolutely adore. Aside from learning how to make things, they have little segments on shapes and colours and it really is a great show. So there is a Christmas present organised.....Mister Maker DVD.

Lexi came up to me with the remote control today and I said would you like me to change the channel? And she said yes. I asked her what she wanted me to change it to and she said "Mister Maker". Yes, well, great that she knows the remote changes the channel, and she can do it to a certain extent, but I don't think she understands I don't actually control what show is on at what time..... So methinks the DVD shall be rather welcomed.

I didn't end up making a cake. I have no idea why. I got a bit distracted when Tabitha only slept for 45 minutes, and then we had to pack up Lexi's crayons because Tabitha thinks they look rather tasty (and to be fair in some countries they may well be a delicacy). Lexi though is not thrilled with the idea of her crayons being eaten so back into the cupboard they went, and into the toyroom the three of us went. Angus was happily kipping. As you do.

Today we did do a lot of singing. Lexi has started requesting songs now. It's quite funny actually. The farm song (Old McDonald), Baa baa (self explanatory), ducks (three little ducks) and the alphabet song all feature. The alphabet one is my favourite though as Lexi sings along. She also does it with twinkle twinkle (or tickle tickle as it is referred to in this house). Funniest part is her interpretation of the words to the song. I shouldn't laugh but really, it is pretty funny. Not in a mean way. In a cute awwwww kind of way.

Well there you go I just got distracted and completely forgot I was doing this. Oh dear. I think I need sleep. On a good note dinner is starting to smell wonderful. We're trying out a new recipe. Well, a new flavour of chicken in the bag anyway, that counts doesn't it? We did make potatoes to roast as well though, and no bag thing happening there so at least we have done some "real" cooking.

I'm thinking mini dude will be waking up soon. He's a very chilled out little man. Often times he won't even cry or squawk when he wakes up, he'll just lie there looking at the ceiling. I check on him quite often (as I have done with all the kids, and continue to do so...just a mum thing, well, a me thing anyway) and it's fairly amusing every now and then to have him staring at the doorway as I walk in. Cute little thing.

B1 and B2 have just rocked over, B2 deciding my glass of water would be better utilised to clean the floor with so I had best go clean that up. She's probably right though, floor could use a wash.....


  1. Can u really get a mister maker dvd?? Hmm Jack loves that show too. Oh the small things that save our sanity for a few minutes :)

  2. Certainly can!! ABC shop online.... http://shop.abc.net.au/browse/searchresult.asp?SearchID=5675688&SearchRefineID=11127612&KeyWord=Mister+Maker
