Sunday, November 28, 2010

For those of you who have not heard

apparently the alphabet has been changed. This is according to Tabitha. Now, instead of the cumbersome 26 letters it has been reduced to simply A, B, Y, Z. I'm not sure how this affects the every day running of life but let's just say the song is now a lot shorter.

Yesterday was a good day. There was nothing monumental about the day to make it rise above other days, the day just had a good "feel". I often associate my days and moods with colours. Yesterday was definitely a golden yellow day.

I wonder how much the weather actually affects one's mood. I'm sure they have done studies on it somewhere. At the ends of the earth where they get almost no sunlight or almost no night things have been know to go awry there also, so surely massive rains or excessive heat would have some affect also. Might google it.

I don't eat dairy. Except cheese because it has a minimal lactose content. However upon returning from the shops young miss Lexi and her sweet toothed father brought with them half a caramel cheesecake from the cheesecake shop. And some KFC. Actually I think I have found the reason it was such a good day.....

Anyway back on to the point (and I ate the KFC with ranch dressing - hot n spicy with ranch dressing is truly amazing....and not the Paul Newman's one, oh no, you need the Praise ranch dressing....mmmmm). If you mention to a child that they can have cheesecake "later" be fully prepared for that child to sit at the table, spoon in hand, and repeat the word "cheesecake" until "later" arrives. This could be five minutes or 55 minutes. Be prepared. And the batteries don't run down. If anything the repeated chanting serves as a generator, feeding more power into the cheesecake demanding machine.

We're still on the toilet training wagon with Lexi, and we're still having only minimal success. She does have a little insert that goes between the bowl and the seat which has a support so she doesn't fall in, and quite often she will place this on the loo and hop up, just to get used to it.

Last night I was bathing Lexi. I was in the process of washing her hair, rinsing the water out when behind me I saw a flash of Tabitha, heard a very plastic hitting porcelain kind of sound (this turned out to be a juice pop container attempting to find Nemo) and I was able, by some amazing force of nature, to reach Tabitha and grab her by the back of her tshirt in time to prevent her following said juice pop bottle into the toilet. I believe that if the toilet training aid had not been there I may not have been as successful. Who knew that toilet training saved lives?

I'm sitting here eating leftover KFC (original recipe) with ranch dressing for breakfast.....don't worry, it's the wing, the best possible breakfast piece, and also a couple of morsels of popcorn chicken. It is not the breakfast of champions though. Not entirely. For I only have a water, a coffee and a coke. The true breakfast of champions involves hot n spicy KFC, ranch dressing, coffee, coke and Red Bull. Still, it's a nice way to start the day.....

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