Monday, November 22, 2010

There are good nights

and there are bad nights. Last night falls into neither category but has created a category of its own. Let's call it "shattering" shall we? Both the girls were ill all day yesterday with temperatures rising and falling, off their food (which believe me is incredibly unusual) and just wanting cuddles from mummy which I was of course happy to provide.

The evening began well with all kids in bed by 7pm and I took this opportunity to watch the remake of Journey to the Centre of the Earth. Basically completely different to the original, and yet another classic that Hollywood has managed to butcher. Still, it wasn't actually that bad, just not a patch on the original.

I think I was lulled into a false sense of security as at around 11.15pm Angus awoke, with the girls following suit some 15 minutes later. Lexi and Angus were back down again by midnight however poor little mini chick just wasn't coping with being sick and it was a further two and a half hours before she relaxed enough to fall into zed land, and even then it wasn't a deep sleep. Even my lying down beside the cot didn't help (nor did it help my back). Poor little mini chick was just inconsolable. As I crawled into bed at around 2.45am I prayed that the sounds of Angus stirring was simply him repositioning itself, which he was, however when he stirred to the point of fully awake at 3.45am I just wasn't ready. Psychologically, physically, anythingly. And yet I dragged my tired self out of bed, as mothers do, attended to him and popped him back into bed. What time that was I could not tell you as by this stage I was doing things in such a foggy sleepy haze that he's lucky he hadn't been drinking bread rather than milk.

So this morning my eyes feel as though I have gone 10 rounds with Lester Ellis and my body feels as though the steamroller they are using down the road took a detour overnight. But, as I have said many a time, every cloud has a silver lining. My incredibly shiny silver lining is that both the girls have woken up without temperatures and in surprisingly good moods all things considered. I'm not saying their moods would win them Miss Congeniality or anything, but surprisingly more chipper than I would have anticipated bearing in mind the events of the last few days.

I still hold out hope that Angus will escape the lurgy that has plagued this house for the last few days. He is not quite himself though and I have a terrible feeling that it is due to illness, not due to babydom, where every day is a new adventure and sometimes it just gets overwhelming.

I'm thinking I should probably cook something today, and it should be something really nice. I mean like insanely nice, something that I love and that I don't make very often. I did that last night in making gyoza, dreamy little Japanese dim simmy kind of things that are just sensational. It helped. Today, well, it's anyone's guess but I'm tipping it'll be something small. And lots of it. I love small food. Hors d'oevres, canapes, if I go to a wedding I would prefer to just eat the little savoury things they give you before the reception actually starts. Maybe I should make something stuffed with cheese....

I'd best away to have a coffee and a coke and sort my mind out to the point where I can narrow it down to thirty or forty things I want to make. I have all my bits crossed that the girls keep on that path to wellness and that mini dude doesn't slide down into the garden of illness.

Do love my kids, breaks my heart when they're not well. But I do love to cuddle them better.

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