Monday, November 15, 2010

Don't you hate it

when you have plans for the day and you talk about them the night before and then you have such a dodgy night that the only thing you can remember when you wake up from your minimal slumber is that you need to bake bread? I was sure there was something else I needed to do today but all I can think is bread. So I'm assuming I was going to bake bread considering that is the only thing in my mind, so Lexi helped me get it all organised and pushed the buttons and bread is duly baking.

Maybe I should start writing down a list at night of things to do the following day, just so I don't forget. I do tend to write most things down because the kids have sapped my memory something shocking. It was pretty dodgy beforehand anyway but they have signed the deal that things just go in one ear and out the other. Or start in the head and end up goodness knows where, usually resurfacing at 3am when I'm in a deep sleep and all of a sudden I'll wake up and go "meusli bars" because that would have been the thing that I needed to add to the shopping list but hadn't yet because I got distracted by one of the kids doing something or falling off something or needing something. Or something.

It's raining here today. Fairly grey and miserable. But Play School is on as we speak so I have approximately 19 minutes in which I am able to do whatever I choose. Soooo I have logged on the uni website, as uni summer semester starts today. I have downloaded the assignments that I have to get started on, and had minor nervous breakdowns about them because they were not what I was expecting nor are they something I can see myself particularly enjoying, however one subject out of two looks okay so we shall see how that goes.

I think I might make that mango, avocado and bacon salad again tonight, and I think I'll also cook up some of that 88c asparagus. Love it. And a steak. Shame I haven't got any mushrooms though, steak with mushroom sauce is sensational. Wonder if I have a tin of them....hmmm....will have to look. I really should find out some alternatives to mushroom sauce. I'm a bit of a creature of habit sometimes and tend to do the same thing over and over and eat the same things the same way over and over. So maybe I'll give google a burl and see what it has to offer. Actually I wonder if there is a steak and mango thing....oh yes, the cogs are turning now!!

Little man has been up and down all day today. He's a little unsettled, not sure why, I figure it's the whole growing thing that he's doing. Still can't believe he's 8 weeks today. I still remember when Lexi was 8 weeks old, some 2.5 years ago. Who would have thought then that at this time I would have three kids. Insane. Great, but insane.

I think I need a makeover, Trinny and Susannah style. What not to wear. They would go MAD with me!!! I tend to live in shorts and a tshirt because it is just the most practical. It's always hot here and I'm always getting vomited on or food wiped on or boogies or charming stuff like that. And I hate shoes. Can't stand them. Thongs are okay, sandals are passable, but shoes, yuck. And don't even get me started on shoelaces.

So yes, I do believe that once I lose some more of this post baby weight I might treat myself to something. Haircut definitely. Pedicure, well, that would be good cos they feel sensational. But I'd loooove to get some kind of fashion advice - what colours and styles to wear to make me look good! Haha! Wonder if anyone does that here??? Hmmmm. Again, the thinking cap's on.

I'm hearing thuds again. And a squeak. But Play School is on so I don't understand it. I'd best go investigate.....I shall return......

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