Saturday, November 20, 2010

It's probably just as well

that I decided not to get stuck into the starting of my assignments last night, for it was not long after my posting that my poor little mini chick awoke, sad, distressed with the state of the world due to those horrid white hard things that attempt to rip apart the gums in order to surface for ease of steak eating in later life. Teething is truly brutal.

To say I am tired this morning would be somewhat of an understatement. Thus far I have had one coffee and one red bull and it hasn't even touched the edges of the fatigue. Mini chick finally settled at around half 11, and I fell into bed, my eyes closed and mental state hazy before my head even touched the pillow. It was a mere hour and a half of sleep before the little guy woke for a feed. Falling back into bed around 2ish I just hoped the girls didn't wake up too early.

As I have mentioned, Lexi had fallen asleep on the lounge room at 4 o'clock. The long and the short of it is that she stirred several times throughout the night, uttering a random "mummy" at all different hours, but she stayed in bed and didn't get up until 5.45am. Mini chick, well, she was up nearly half an hour earlier than that.

And so today, as many days before, commences in a fog of sleepiness, the rain pounding on the roof as only tropical rains can do, the frogs doing their frog calls, not galoomping, not la di da di da'ing, the girls are munching on raisin toast while I source as much caffeine as I can to try and force my eyes to remain open without the assistance of matchsticks.

If I can get the energy up today is gyoza day. Mmmmm gyoza. Sensational wonderful amazing little parcels of sheer delight. I think what makes them so special is that they are fried as well as steamed. Double cooking. Double methods. I'm going to make up a little dipping sauce as well. Actually that is starting to wake me up. I don't know why I don't think about food more often when I'm tired, it really does a wonderful job, gets the salivary glands functioning, opens the eyes, generally wakes me up.

Speaking of food, I dreamt about KFC last night. Would you like to know what it was that I dreamt? Give you a bit of an insight into my subconscious mind?

Well, here goes. A little while ago (in reality, not in dreamland) I got some KFC and they neglected to include the hot n spicy pieces. I was devastated. So of course I rang them and let them know and they took my name (again) and said to come in and tell them next time and they'll fix it up. No problems.

As a side note, does anyone else have KFC's phone number saved into their mobile phone or is that just me?

Anyway, back to the dream. We're in dreamland now, and in my dream I told Mick that there was KFC for the taking due to the error they made and could he go and pick it up. So he goes, gets the 10 piece pack with 2 chips, extra salt. Now, if you don't know about this deal, ask them. It isn't on the board, but you can get 10 pieces and 2 chips for $19.95. That is a bargain if I do say so myself. Back to the dream. So in he goes and gets the chicken and returns home. I have a few pieces and some chips and then realise that it is all gone, but that is not possible because I was sure there was more when he brought it home. So I check the fridge and nothing is there. Mick is on the computer and non-plussed about the whole thing. Me, well, I'm upset. Not really really upset, but confused upset because I could have sworn there was more chicken. Cut to five minutes later, I look over on the bench and there is another whole box of chicken. Four of the pieces are drumsticks (because in the dream in the first box I was looking for a drumstick and couldn't find one). And so the dream culminates in my realising that they have in fact given us extra chicken.

So that's how my mind works. Disturbing hey?

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