Friday, November 26, 2010

I want

is the phrase that has somehow entered my two year old's vocabulary. I was wondering how on earth this was possible, until I heard myself, after she had said mummy for the 750th time saying "What do you want Lexi???". I can only assume she has learned it that way.

This afternoon it was I want apple juice. And we all know how far one gets with manners like that. Not even to the fridge.

This evening it is I want baby food. Interesting. She even got it out of the cupboard, complete with little spoon, little bowl, and also one little bowl and spoon, and baby food, for Tabitha as well. So she is sitting at the end of table with her dress around her waist, for no apparent reason, a shopping bag over her arm, again, for no apparent reason, baby food all over her face (the joys of pureed foods) and when I go over there to help clean her up she tells me to go away.

Tabitha is in her high chair eating turkey gyoza. As you do. She is happy when food is in front of her as a general rule so that's a win.

Angus is in bed. Another win.

Bathtime is rapidly approaching, but my bones are still weary so I'm building up the energy.

Oh, and a lesson I learned yesterday afternoon.... when you clean the toilet and leave the blue stuff in the bowl to soak, just make sure you close the door behind you. If you do not, once you finish doing the dishes you realise that the swishing watery sound was not your doing the dishes, but rather your daughter, a toilet brush, and blue.

That is all for now.

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