Thursday, November 4, 2010

The days of whine and noses

Some days are sent to test us....I think today falls well into that category! Three children crying in unison, surround sound with subwoofer. Sensational.

And Tabitha (aka mini chick) with a cold, miserable, runny nose, generally at odds with the world, only wanting to be cuddled, but when cuddled just wanting to get down. So twinkle twinkle little star it is, and boogeying to Adam Lambert on the music channel. Combine that with mock sneezing and this little piggy went to market and mini chick gets through the day.

Lexi (aka mini me) just wants to help, but helps so much that it proves a hindrance, but how can you get upset with her (you actually can, trust me) when she's only trying to help? Craft time is great, but how do you stop craft time without also stopping the world from being. Tis the end of the world, that's for sure.

And Angus (aka mini dude), well, he's going through one of the inevitable growth spurts that newborns have, but is so adorable that even when he cries, well, he's cute. He is my "old soul". Even when he is sad he has a calming presence about him. I think he really has been such a valuable addition to the family, evening out the insanity that prevails in so many of the other members. But I guess there's still time for him to come out of his shell.....

And so ends my day. Watching Grand Designs Australia with a beer and some chicken wings, wondering what tomorrow will bring.

And so, for now, that is all.

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