Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Floor food tastes better

Without a doubt. Give a child a sandwich in their high chair and it will be pushed around the plate, nibbled on, squashed, used as a facial moisturiser and hair conditioner, thrown across the room, and generally avoided. Let the child down from the high chair whereupon they see a morsel of the very same sandwich thrust nonchalently underneath the table and the race is on to get to it fast enough to savour the delicate flavours. I am baffled by this.

High chair cheese bad. Floor cheese good. High chair chicken bad. Floor chicken good.

Now I sweep the floor on average three times a day. Not because I love to caress the broom, but rather from necessity. And the fact that I can't stand to see stuff on the floor, unless it is furniture or some other thing that actually belongs on the floor. A cup or a plate or a toy can in certain circumstances be construed in this manner.

If I did not sweep the floor so often I would be absolutely terrified as to what my children were eating. Tabitha more so than Lexi. Lexi is very much one to do things the "right way". She likes to sit at the "table and chairs" instead of her high chair at dinner time. After she has finished she puts her plate in the sink. Lexi is rarely one to savour floor food. Tabitha on the other hand appears to live for it. When she has had enough of sitting in her high chair and eating she will literally grab a piece of food, place her hand on the outside of the tray and drop said food to the ground. She will repeat this at different locations around the high chair until she is let down from the chair. And that's where the fun starts. The treasure hunt begins. Where did I drop the chicken? Where did I drop the cheese? You can almost hear the cogs turning.

I guess she has to fend for herself a bit. If I ask Lexi to share some of her apple with Tabitha she will sort through the cut pieces of apple from her bowl, find the smallest piece, then break it in two, suss out which of these pieces is the smallest, then duly pass it to Tabitha who takes it with absolute glee, even though it is the size of her little fingernail if lucky, and Lexi will look at me smiling as if to say "aren't I a good girl for sharing?"

Mini dude has been up for six hours this morning, sleeping for approximately 10 minutes during that time. He's now asleep but I have absolutely no idea for how long, I will just appreciate the time I have and see what happens.

I have been up for ten hours and am having trouble focusing, even more so than 10 hours ago when the sleep was still warm in my eyes. However I have had several coffees, and the 2 litre bottle of coke is feeling decidely light. Crowd pleaser my foot - 2 litres of Coke is merely a refresher when you have a 2 year old, a 1 year old and a newborn. I'm just upset they don't sell the stuff by the pallet load. I reckon I could save myself a packet.

I'm thinking KFC for dinner tonight. I have a serious case of the cbf's, it is hot and muggy, once again, in this tropical wonderland that for now I call home, so my darling the colonel is going to look after me tonight. I can almost taste the chips and extra salt, the hot n spicy chicken, and of course original recipe, oh my, I'm starting to wake up......why didn't I think of this sooner........scary what fatigue can do to your brain isn't it.....


  1. Do you think it could be the AGE? eating food off the floor i mean, coz Mileena does it too..

  2. Lexi really didn't do it so I think it is partly a personality thing as well as an age thing... I can't see Tabitha continuing on with her floor food eating for too much longer. Surely.

  3. wyatt still does this christy dont feel bad or if hes had enough the plate gets thrown :{

  4. Chips with extra salt is the best!

  5. Tabitha can't be trusted with a plate lol. And yes, chips with extra salt is most certainly the best!
