Monday, November 8, 2010

Warning labels and smoke detectors

You may notice that many electrical items have a warning label. It will usually be something along the lines of don't operate while driving or drunk or don't try and dry your hair in the shower kind of thing. The label I encountered this morning was "to prevent hair being caught by moving parts always tie hair back" and it was from my bread maker. I didn't make bread this morning. So how is it that I'm talking about the label on the breadmaker? Well, funny you should ask.

Mick brought home some raisin bread last night (and by the way his knee isn't broken, thanks for asking) so I thought I'd make some for the girls this morning. We have a few things near the power point and I plugged in the breadmaker mistakenly, heard it beep, then turned it off and plugged in the toaster. No harm done, no foul called. All good.

In goes the raisin bread, and I'll pop the kettle on while I'm at it. Hmmm. This raisin bread is taking a bit longer than usual, let's turn the toaster around and see what setting it is on. Oh, look at the steam coming up from the kettle. Oh, hang on a minute, that isn't steam, and it isn't coming from the kettle. Oh yes, it's smoke, coming from the toaster. That makes more sense.

And so up pops the toast, and what do I see stuck to it? The warning label from the breadmaker. And yes, it has seen better days. I stupidly grab the label to remove it from the toast, but, having just gone through a complete toasting cycle the label, which is in fact sticky inside so one side of it sticks to itself on the other, is hot. Very hot. So then the label hits the floor (well, doesn't hit, kinda floats down is more appropriate), and as I'm leaning down to get it that's when the smoke detector goes off. Very very loudly.

And that's when Tabitha goes off. Very very loudly. See she is already in the high chair, which is basically directly underneath the smoke detector which, as I may have mentioned, is very very loud. So with Tabitha screaming, Lexi looking perplexed and Angus asleep (typical male....), I run to the bathroom, grab a towel, open the window on the way back and start fanning the smoke away from the smoke detector, while attempting to calm Tabitha which, by the way, does not work when there is a smoke detector trying to attract the attention of someone in Tasmania.

Well, the smoke detector stopped. Tabitha stopped. I stopped. Lexi stopped. Angus was already stopped.

Don't really think I'll need that coffee this morning......

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