Saturday, November 13, 2010

I'm awake

yes, I'm awake. I'm awaaaake. Who would have thought a little yellow muppet (that's what he calls himself, I personally think he's more orange than yellow) could have such an impact on the day. Without Ollie I wouldn't know what day it is.

Do you know what day it is today? Do you know what day it is today? Let me see let me see let me see..... If yesterday was Friday and tomorrow will be Sunday, if yesterday was Friday and tomorrow will be Sunday.... that means, oh yes, yes it is! It's Saturday all day today!

And I was actually singing that as I was typing it. Oh so very very sad. However on some days were it not for Ollie I would not know what day it was. So he is quite helpful. I just had a thought. Rather than wait for Ollie to tell me I could probably just look on my phone or the computer. Well aren't I just the bright spark. Only taken me this long to realise that.

He also sings a song about lunch. Talks about all sorts of lovely foods (and some not so lovely but I guess it's only fair), and gets the girls in an eating mood which of course is not difficult at the best of times anyway.

Then there is the bedtime song. We like the bedtime song. And the bedtime talking segment too. Because it prompts mum to start yawning.....why do I yawn? Well, firstly I am a little tired, yes, but these yawns are fake yawns. They do then lead in to yawns of the real nature cos that is how yawns work. But these fake yawns are employed because of the simple and well known fact that if you see someone else yawn you can't help but yawn yourself. I challenge you to remain yawn free whilst reading the word yawn so many times, particularly if you are doing so early in the morning or late at night (or during a particularly boring day even). So yes, the reasoning behind my fake yawning was that the girls would see me yawn, and their little brains would say "ooooh mummy's yawning and is tired, maybe I am tired too". Funnily enough I think it actually works. The things we do hey?

I found myself crawling into bed at half 8 last night. I was shattered. Months of sleep deprivation finally caught up with me I think. And so I got to bed, exhausted, yawning, and ready for sleep. And I lay there. After ten minutes I felt as though I was more awake than I had been in years. Now tell me, how on earth does THAT work? So I did the whole concentrate on making your body relax thing, and then by the time I got to my knees I was bored so my mind started wandering, and who knows where it wandered to because I woke up at 12 to mini dude wanting a feed. So maybe the relaxation thing did work? Who knows. I like to think that my mind wandering far and wide tired my body out. Or something like that.

Coffee is in hand, Red Bull is in the fridge (yes, yes it is, and I am most happy about that fact), there are 10 or so enormous mangoes sitting in a bucket on the bench and today it is my quest to work out how to use said mangoes. I suppose I should have a quick look through my uni stuff too as that starts on Monday. Then again I might not. I do think I'll get another coffee for now.....

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