Friday, November 12, 2010

When will I ever learn

that silence equals danger. It equals two mischievous toddlers hiding in one bedroom removing everything from a set of drawers. It equals 40 nappies laid out end to end wizard of oz yellow brick road style. It equals a stealth Tabitha sneaking up on Angus and, by the use of her finger alone, converting him to look as though he has been involved in a bar brawl. And his eye is fine for those of you who are worried, just a little red and swollen.

I believe I may have said "Lexi" a thousand times or more today. Usually with tone. And surprisingly I have said "Tabitha" a near equal amount. Why surprising? Because Tabitha used to be the good one. Now I have two naughty ones. Hmm. Actually they're not really naughty, they're great kids, I'm very lucky. I say this as I'm stressing to Lexi that unless she sits properly at the table she will go in the high chair to which she is replying a very pained "noooooo". Agh I give up today. At least she ate lunch. That's something. Some days if you can get one meal into them you're doing well. Others, it's as though they have a third world country living inside their belly eating vicariously through them. Today is obviously a minimal food day. No doubt she'll make up for it tomorrow.

Speaking of speaking, not that I was, but I have mentioned it now so technically I am, Tabitha now says strawberry. You could have knocked me over with a feather when she said that. What 16 month old can say strawberry??!!! She says it better than Lexi too!! Lexi has started answering the television if it asks her a question as well. My kidlets are such clever little munchkins!

Ah well I suppose I should get off my posterior and organise baths for these two. Angus is bathed and fed already. I do it in the reverse order for the girls because if I bathed them first, well, it would be much like drying yourself before you go for a swim. Relatively pointless and only needing repetition after the event.

So away I go to remove the layer of cheese and vegetable pasta from Tabitha's face. And arms. And legs. And hair. I think you get the message. Now where did I put the scourer.....

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