Tuesday, November 16, 2010

It's 8 o'clock

and all three kids are in bed asleep. It would have happened sooner only my poor little man got what can only be described as an absolutely brutal case of the hiccups. Less than a second would pass before his little body would spasm and baby hiccups burst from his sad little mouth. He was achingly tired, that was obvious, however there is no sleep with hiccups. After what seemed like an eternity I opted to give him some more formula to see if we could alleviate the problem and, luckily, it was not long before this did work and he drifted off to catch a few zeds.

So now it's me time. Mick's out, the kids are asleep, and it's time for me to just be me, which in all honesty doesn't happen often. If I'm not doing something for the kids, one or more of them is attached to me, and if I'm not looking after their needs I'm either doing the domestic tasks that come with running a household full of people, large or otherwise, and if I'm not doing the domestics I'm studying. So as you see, not a great deal of time to just be me. Tonight I have decided to make that time.

They say that if you want something done give it to the busiest person because they will make time to do it. There's a lot of truth in that statement. I am baffled to know what I did with all my spare time prior to the arrival of my beautiful little ones.

Julie and Julia is on the tv tonight. I saw it as a premiere at the movies when I was pregnant, with either Tabitha or Angus, to be honest I have absolutely no idea who. It was a film I greatly enjoyed, not because it was a brilliant film, but because I firstly got to get out of the house and see a movie (which is a rarity), secondly because I was able to catch up with a dear friend at the same time, and thirdly because I actually learned something. It's not often you can go to the movies and learn something. The one thing I took away from that film was that you should pat meat dry before you fry it. If you do this it will brown much better. So I tried it. And they were right!!!! Amazing. Truly amazing. You should also not crowd the pan when frying mushrooms....again, the browning thing. So there are some lessons for the day from the school of Christy by way of Julie and Julia. Or vice versa. You know what I mean.

Julie and Julia was really where I first heard about blogs. The film itself tells the story of a young (well, she's 30, that's young for me) woman who is seeking something, anything, that she can do to feel fulfilled. And so she blogs about cooking, in particular the recipes of Julia Childs who, if you don't know, was a famous cooking chick. I could tell you more about her but I'd have to google and I really don't feel like googling, but feel free to if you would like.

So I find myself here, some however long later, again, no idea, and I'm blogging. It's quite odd really. I do feel as though it is a wonderful way of winding down, getting out the traffic in your mind, and at times having a little chuckle while doing so. The kids will always make me laugh, there is nothing surer. But every now and then even the little random thoughts that run through my head will make me laugh. Or become perplexed. Or wish to seek further information, so google here we come. By the way in 99.9% of cases google is the devil. Except where it comes to recipes. Just in case I haven't mentioned that before, which I'm fairly sure I have, however it's best to be on the safe side and err on the side of caution, thus, I have mentioned it once again, or for the first time, depending on whether or not I have in fact already mentioned it. If that makes sense.

Decisions decisions....to sloth in front of the tv and watch Julie and Julia, lay like broccoli on the sofa relaxing and tuning out to the world, or to play a game of poker. Hmmm. Might flip a coin. That's the best way to decide anything. Do you know why? Because if at first flip of the coin you are pleased with the outcome you can feel sure you want that option, deep down. But if at first flip of the coin you opt for best of three, then perhaps you really do know what you want but want fate to tell you that's what you should do.....interesting hey.....

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