Thursday, November 25, 2010

Phonetic discrepancies

can be quite amusing, particularly in the hands, or mouths as it were, of children. My favourite one at the moment is twinkle twinkle little star, which in Lexi land is actually tickle tickle star. So cute. There are many more, none of which pop into mind at the moment but when they do be sure that I'll pass them on, probably at random moments in the middle of an otherwise normal, or as normal as my waffles are, conversation.

I had a very interesting dialogue with Lexi this morning actually. It went something like this:

Lexi: Drink
Me: Pardon?
Lexi: Drink
Me: Pardon?
Lexi: Drink
Me: Pardon?
Lexi: Driiiiiiink
Me: Would you like a drink?
Lexi: Yes
Me: Well what do you say?
Lexi: Drink
Me: Drink what
Lexi: Drink apple juice
Me: No, drink what
Lexi: Drink apple juice
Me: What did you forget to say?
Lexi: Pleeeeeeease
Me: Okay one minute
Lexi: Pleeeeeeease
Me: I'm coming
Lexi: Drink pleeeeeeeeeeease
Me: Hang on a tic seriously I'll be right there
Lexi: Muuuuuuuuuuuuum drink pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease
Me: Hang on Lexi I'll be right there.

So you get the gist. She did eventually get some apple juice, although it wasn't apple juice. Lexi calls anything that isn't milk or water apple juice. Red cordial (not that she's ever had it and probably never will) - apple juice. Pineapple juice - apple juice. Red bull - mummy's juice. Iced coffee - daddy's juice.

I've been vomited on quite a bit lately. Angus had his shots on Monday and I figure that's why. Yesterday he did a particularly nasty chunky burp and retained much on his lips. I looked down to see that none was on my tshirt, which was great. Do not, however, assume that just because it is not on your shoulder it isn't on your back or in your hair. I realised this when I went to move my ponytail and, when reaching for my hair, instead grabbed hold of what was, by then, a curdled mess. It was then that I realised my clever little man had actually done what appears to have been a "curve ball" vomit. Impressive. Very very impressive.

We made turkey gyoza today. They turned out rather well, and there was nowhere near as much mess as by all rights there should have been given the way in which Lexi was treating the mixture to go inside the little wrappers. Gravity was being defied today in our kitchen, there is no other explanation for it. I must say though that turkey gyoza really don't taste that much different to the ole standard pork gyoza. Turkey mince is probably actually cheaper. Maybe. I'm not sure to be honest. They were nice though.

I'll leave you with a lovely sight I was witness to this morning. I think you'll understand why it made me happy, on several levels.

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