Tuesday, November 23, 2010

The thing about far north Queensland

is that things don't happen the same as in Victoria. The pests we used to get in Victoria tended more to be things like nasty looking spiders and red bellied black snakes (we had a rather nice sized one living under the verandah). Up here, little bit different. The rain, and has there been some of it in the last week, brings out other creatures. Cockroaches. Filthy, disgusting cockroaches. Note to self: when trying to kill cockroaches, make sure that the bottle of water you are holding is the right way up lest you feel drips of water hit your leg and throw the water bottle in the air because you think a cockroach is crawling up your leg. We also had a green tree frog placed rather nicely in the light thrown by the bathroom, sitting quite comfortably on the hall wall. Instead of catching them (and they are wriggly little things) you can actually chase them out the door.  But beware the u-turn. They can come back in just as quickly as they jumped out.

Today I discovered that while nappies on heads of toddlers may look cute it is best to check whether or not these head nappies are actually dirty before reaching for the camera. Needless to say I did not make it to the camera. And Lexi had a hairwash.

One thing that surprised me is the strength of Angus's head. I looked upwards for some unknown reason just as he decided to headbut me, which consequently hit me directly in the throat. In case you were not aware, a baby's head hitting your throat at speed whilst your head is looking upwards and thus tensing your throat will cause you to feel as though you have swallowed a bowling ball.

I asked Lexi what she wanted for dinner tonight. She replied "ice". I actually toyed with the idea of giving her ice but thought that that might be perceived, in some circles, as negligent. So I opted for salad...nature's own substantial form of food that is as similar to ice as anything else in the fridge and just a touch more nutritious than ice itself. I guess it's a step up from the marshmallows she requested for dinner the other day.

As we sat in front of the tv this evening, everyone on their respective sofas (the girls each have a little sofa) Lexi stood up with two of her soft toys and walked to the door. She said bye. Okay then. "Where are you taking the toys Lexi?". The answer? School. Okay then. No problems.

Moods were generally better today than they have been for the last few days. No fevers, but tantrums aplenty. To be expected with a 2.5 year old and a 16 month old though so no surprises. I must say though, and wrong as it may be, sometimes it is so funny watching them. I mean the things they get upset about are quite hilarious. Your spoon is facing the wrong way? Oh. My. God. Alert the authorities. Oh no, your biscuit broke? I'll get you a pillow, you must be feeling faint.

Everything in the mind of a toddler is everything. But I guess if you put yourself into their shoes their life is quite limited, and something like the breakage of what would otherwise be a perfect biscuity snack may well be the worst thing that can happen in their day. Still, I'm gonna tell them about it when they grow up.......

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