Tuesday, November 16, 2010

I hate teeth

Poor mini chick is having such a hard time with teething. She has 12 teeth already and there are four more threatening to pop through any day. Her little gums are all swollen and though she is generally a happy little chickadee once night falls and she goes to sleep she is restless and sad. Tonight was the second time ever she has had Nurofen. In days gone by she would spit it out, same with Panadol, but tonight, and the other night, she didn't. I just wish there was something more I could do for her.

Needless to say my me time didn't last. But that's okay. I knew what I was getting in for when I signed up for the job. Just breaks my heart that there isn't anything more I can do for her. Once they're through then we're all good, but the leadup is horrid.

We were actually "lucky" with her top four teeth. It was truly an horrific way for them to come through, however she had three bottom teeth for some time. Cue one day when she decided that she would climb up on furniture (well, pull herself up anyway) however she was still shaky on her feet, tumbled, and hit her chin on the coffee table. I was absolutely devastated. I simply could not make the two metres from the sofa to the coffee table in time to save her from hitting herself. And there was blood, oh so much blood. And her three bottom teeth cut through her top gum, and then all of a sudden instead of the three teeth she had 7. So much as it was awful at the time, in the long run it probably saved us a little heartache. I did cry that night though.

They say that to have children is to permanently have your heart walk around outside your body. They are not wrong.

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