Wednesday, November 24, 2010

For the first time

in a very long time I had breakfast this morning. Granted, I did start the day with a Red Bull, coffee chaser, Coke and another coffee, but it's the thought that counts. I had some of the egg and veggie pie we made yesterday so that is sort of a breakfast food.

I don't understand why we have to stick to the "norm" for breakfast foods. Aside from the fact that I don't drink milk and find that soy stuff absolutely revolting, I am not a huge fan of cereal anyway. Except Froot Loops. I think they rock. But, as I have found out, Froot Loops and young children don't mix, unless you want their nappy to glow in the dark for three days afterwards. They were a birthday treat once and they shall be no more.

Little man had his shots the other day and has done remarkably well in response to them. I do recall the girls got a bit ill after them but mini dude must be uber tough as it doesn't seem to have affected him, save for the fact that he doesn't appear to be sleeping as long at night in the one stretch.

Last night was a night to remember. Mini dude woke up around 12.30am and then again at 5.30am, however BOTH girls slept through without a peep. I truly can't remember the last time that happened. So much as the day started early and the night was a little long though ending prematurely, I was in a chipper mood when the girls did eventually wake up (that may however have had something to do with the Red Bull, coffee and Cokes of the morning....).

It's raining again.....wooooo it's raining again.....I'm actually singing that as I type it. We got 100mm overnight. That's a fair schlack of rain. The last "wettest" November was 10 years ago when they got 520mm for the month. We have had 500mm so far and there is a week to do the math....

Mini chick has taken to running towards me with sheer joy and reckless abandon from as far away as she can get. You can actually feel her happiness radiating with each step she takes. Until she runs into the sofa. Or falls. Then some other things radiate. But this morning there were no obstacles - she was running and laughing and having a wow of a time, running full force into me. Which is fine and well, however she is a rather tall child, and a rather tall child running full force at you places their head in a position that is less than comfortable when a running child smashes into it. Say no more. I sat down.

I'm thinking today might be a "get the slow cooker out" day. Or the pressure cooker. Some form of cooker will be removed from the cupboard today anyway, that's fairly certain. Unless I can't find anything in the freezer to stick in it. Hmmm. Must get some more meat methinks.

I'm drinking water at the moment because I had a moment this morning when I couldn't actually remember the last glass of water I drank, I could only recall coffee, Red Bull, Coke, or an alcoholic beverage. So I think I need some water.

Mini dude has fallen asleep in the swing in his little jeans and tshirt. So so cute. It's funny everyone says how gorgeous the little girl clothes are. Yes, they are cute, but a lot of them are just so prissy that they don't suit battleaxe girls or those that have been raised around horses....aka mine. But the little boy clothes, my, I just think they are adorable. And don't get me started on Pumpkin Patch...for girls and for boys....the credit card is still warm from the last online sale they had.....

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