Thursday, November 25, 2010

Watching the girls share

is truly wonderful. Lexi will have something and break off a piece and give it to Tabitha. Tabitha will smile a smile that lights up the room and scream out ta as loud as she can before shovelling whatever it is into her mouth. If I offer Lexi a biscuit or a fruit stick from the container she will always take two - one for herself and one for Tabitha. She is very good with sharing.

Generally. Most of the time. However, there is the odd occasion where the sharing thing doesn't quite go so well. Take for example earlier on this morning. Lexi decided to remove a food sachet and snack cup from the cupboard as she apparently felt that 7.54am was an adequate time to have beef and vegetables. Now Tabitha saw the snack cup and thought hmmm yes I think I'd like that, and, while Lexi's back was turned, she took the snack cup and sat on the ground with it. Now rather than going to the cupboard and getting another snack cup Lexi decided that the one she had previously removed, which was now in Tabitha's hands, was the only snack cup that would do, so she endeavoured to remove the snack cup from Tabitha's vice-like grip. I say vice-like because Lexi was unsuccessful, and in fact I was also unsuccessful. She is one strong mini chick.

During the time of pulling of snack cups and food sachets, young Lexi started squealing and running up and down on the spot, after which mini chick also joined in with this wonderful display of river dancing, until she promptly fell flat on her backside and Lexi ran off behind the high chair saying what appeared to be "go away" (again) repeatedly. So I told her to go to her room, to which she replied in dulcet tones "no", so I followed her and she screamed her way into the bedroom, jumped onto the bed, whereupon I burst out laughing because truly she was behaving so ridiculously and my laughing then made her laugh, and Tabitha followed us in an started laughing too. Very odd. But much better than the sound of two girls vocally duelling.

Today is Thanksgiving in the states. So in order to celebrate this I have decided to make turkey gyoza. I have leftover chinese cabbage from the original gyoza, and I ordered some more of the wrappers thinking, mistakenly, that they lasted a few months. Nope. Unless I have been given a dodgy batch that is, because they expire in a few days. Gyoza time. I might try other things too. Google is going to get a bashing so I can find out some other uses for Gow Gee wrappers.

I'm also going to try and make cornflake cookies today. I say try because I need to find a recipe that does not involve creaming the butter and sugar. Why you ask? Well, I'll tell you. Tabitha's reaction to the electric mixer is not dissimilar to if one were to try and remove a snack cup from her. Very very loud. So I try to avoid using it if I can. Lexi used to be the same until I made a game out of it. I would count 1, 2, 3 and then start the mixer and shake my head about violently while using the mixer and making the sound myself so that would make her laugh. Now when I go to the mixer she says 1, 2, 3, bzzzzzzzzz and shakes her head around. But at least it doesn't upset her anymore.

I've done about 1/3 of one of my assignments and am having serious issues of a motivational nature. I'm thinking steak and chicken wings will solve this problem so I might head to the shops and sort that out. Might grab a Red Bull or 4 while I'm there.....

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