Sunday, November 14, 2010

A story about mini chick

Mini chick is a funny little thing. In so very many ways. There is one aspect of her personality though that I just find intriguing, hilarious, slightly disturbing, and it never ceases to bring a smile to my face. She is, for want of a better word, a thief. But she is selective about that which she steals. It will only ever be either food, or anything that anyone else wants at a particular time.

For example, if Lexi is eating an apple, cut up into pieces, and looks away, Tabitha will stealthily reach up with her sligntly chubby little fingers and grab and piece of said apple, running away before Lexi has a chance to notice, either shoveling it delicately into her mouth en route, or finding some little hiding spot where she can look at the morsel, smile, and savour the flavours.

If Lexi has a toy, let's say for example, the Tupperware shape-o ball, Tabitha will watch Lexi playing with this, lying in wait until the shapes are released from the ball whereupon she pounces, grabs and star and a pentagon and she's off like the wind, holding these shapes above her head as she runs, giggling maniacally. Cue Lexi to follow, yelling "no baby no", reaching out to grab the shapes from Tabitha's hands, which really only appears to fuel Tabitha's desire to deprive Lexi of these precious shapes.

Well, today there was an example. I was having a shower, door open as we all know mums can never shut the bathroom door unless they want a sound reminiscent of wartime air raid sirens to ensue, and I saw Tabitha running past, giggling madly, holding what appeared to be a dry biscuit above her head. It was in fact a dry biscuit, one that I had given Lexi with some olive dip several minutes earlier basically to keep her occupied while I had a quick shower. In the time between my giving Lexi the biscuit and hopping into the shower Tabitha had awoken from her nap, and I walked in and removed her from her cot, forgetting that there were a couple of dry biscuits on the table. So, back to scenario, young miss Tabitha goes running past the bathroom door, biscuit in hand, duly followed of course by ms Lexi yelling "no baby no", as I advised you she tends to do.

I took this as a cue to remove the conditioner from my hair as quickly as possible. For the record, there is no speedy way to remove conditioner from one's hair, particularly when one's hair is very long.

And then I heard the thud. And I froze, and I waited to hear who was going to cry, for I figured at least one child had hit the deck. And I was right, and it was, unsurprisingly, Tabitha, and I saw Lexi walk casually away from her, popping a dry biscuit into her mouth as she went.

Cue mum resolving problems from the shower. "Lexi, that was mean to take the biscuit from Tabitha, even though she took it from your plate. Please go and get a biscuit and give it to Tabitha". Tabitha is still crying, though not in pain, more in sadness from the loss of the biscuit, and I'm trying to attract her attention, still frantically trying to get the conditioner out of my hair. Next thing Lexi walks past the door, and Tabitha appears from the other side. Lexi hands Tabitha a biscuit, Tabitha smiles and eats it and Lexi goes back into the kitchen. Wow. That was great. It was a back pat kind of moment.

Of course it all changed again when Tabitha came out and pinched Lexi's crayon, but that's another story.....

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