Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Windows hurt

when you slam them either open or shut on your finger. I think we can all agree on that one. I was putting a load of washing in the dryer (gotta love the wet season up here) and thought I should probably open the window just to let some of the hot air escape. Well, I wish I hadn't because it opened with such force that it slammed my third finger between it and the wall bracket, kind of hard to imagine, but picture the clippy claspy things on sliding windows that you have to hold in order to release the window from the lock position, then picture that clippy claspy thing squashing my finger against the wall.

It hurt. A lot. And so I did what any normal person would do - I grabbed tight hold of my finger and put it down the side of my body and didn't look at it. Often times just looking at it will make it worse. After a few minutes of the girls just staring at me blankly as I explained to them that mummy hurt her finger I decided I should probably look at it. And here is where it gets really bad. There was, I can't quite believe it, NO evidence that said finger had been brutally crushed by a rogue window. I was actually disappointed. For the huge amount of pain I was in there was no indication that I had even scratched the nail. And so it throbbed for the next hour or so, and I kept checking to see if I was going to actually develop a war wound. Nope. Nothing. Nada. Nix. Can't believe I'm actually disappointed.

It is a common saying be careful what you wish for, and I have said it before in relation to sleep and waking times. I said it again yesterday though. Why? I (stupidly it would appear) wished for some peace and quiet so I could get a bit of my essay done. It was only after I had had such peace and quiet for 10 minutes that I realised what I had actually done. For we all know that quiet = danger where toddlers on the move are involved. And that was indeed the case. I found the girls in my bedroom, I also found Angus's nappies strewn all over the floor, the washing that had been folded had been "unfolded" and the tealight candle stand that sits beside my bed was hanging artistically from the fan. My own fault really.

I enjoy giving the girls a variety of foods, as does Mick. Anything that we eat the girls get to try for I figure that's the best way to open up their eyes to the myriad of different foods available. It isn't always successful. Spicy foods are one reason why, and things with odd textures and the like. Well, Mick brought home some cheesecake the other day. The girls had had a try before when lovely friends had brought some over, but this cheesecake was bought when Lexi was at the shop the other day, as I think I mentioned at the time.

The cheesecake is gone. The cheesecake has been gone for some time. Yesterday, Lexi was stomping around the house saying "I want cheesecake. I want cheesecake." over and over and over. I said to her "Lexi, firstly we don't have any cheesecake, and secondly that is certainly not the way to ask for it."

She stopped, dead in her tracks, put on the sweetest smile and said "please". It was an awww moment. Till she realised I wasn't lying and there was no cheesecake, but that's another story......

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