Saturday, November 13, 2010

You would think

that having 2 out of 3 children asleep things would be much quieter, much easier to deal with and you could basically relax. Yep. You would think that.

This theory gets blown out of the window when the child who remains awake is coincidentally also the one who got up on the wrong side of the bed. In that case one actually wishes for the other two to be awake so that one has an excuse to ignore the wrong-sided one.....rather than needing to tell her she will be sold to the gypsies if she doesn't start behaving.

Distraction by way of visitors took place this morning, the visitors very welcome, miniature and grown up alike, however the wind up toy bug that was given to the girls, though a source of constant amusement for she of the grumpiness is proving somewhat of a hmm, let me see the correct words, pain in the ass I think suits it quite well. Don't get me wrong, thank you to our lovely visitors for the momentos of the party that we were sadly unable to attend, they are just too inviting I think!

He's such a cute little bug too, yellow, big eyes, crawly wally kind of thing, you wind him up and he creeps along like a caterpillar. However he needs constant winding, and the miniature one doesn't know how to do this. In the time it has taken me to type this I have rewound the bug approximately 27 times.....and I anticipate I will wind him several more times before the day is out.

Now, if Lexi could work out how to wind him herself, that would be great. I'm trying to teach her. Each time she comes running over with the bug in need of reanimation I show her that she needs to look Mr Bug in the eye, put her right hand on the twirly bit, and wind. And miss independent can't immediately do it, so here come the tears, while the bug hangs precariously wiggling with the small amount of windedness that he got before the tears commenced. Ah yes. The joys of parenting a toddler.

And here are the girls with their party bags.

The mangoes are very nice indeed. In fact, here is a photo of the salad I made to go with dinner last night.

I'm still in search of more recipes for mangoes....will be attempting the spring rolls early next week if I can drag myself to the shops to get spring roll papers or wrappers or whatever they call themselves.

I'm now seeking inspiration for dinner. I need something that I can make in a very short space of time, preferably with the help of Lexi so that keeps her out of mischief for a while, that doesn't require a huge number of ingredients or skill. Or care. Is that wrong? No, I don't think it is. I think if anyone created a recipe book entitled simply CBF or something similar, a recipe book for mums who seriously don't have the time to spend labouring over a hot stove to ensure that the bay leaves infuse their flavour subtley into the milk while the meat rests blah blah, it would sell heaps. Actually, I could do that. In my spare time. Bahahahahahaha. Yep. And as you can tell, I've gone slightly mad. Again. It happens. Regularly.

Might go have a Coke.

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