Friday, November 19, 2010

Bed at last

for the three munchkins. It has been kind of a strange day though. We started toilet training with Lexi today. For days she has been sitting on the toilet "miming" the actions, and has also put her soft toys on it. She doesn't want a bar of the potty, just wants to go straight to the big toilet. So we thought yep, let's try. I asked her if she wanted a nappy or undies and she wanted the undies. Sensational. I must add though that prior to the undies going on she did the teeniest tiniest little wee in the loo. Never thought I would get excited about wee, but I was overjoyed! Anyway, undies went on. She didn't make it the next time. That's ok, try again. Nope. Not quite. Third time she made it to juuuust beside the toilet and didn't quite get on there. After that she was ON the toilet but didn't have her pants down. Anyway, you get the gist, it wasn't supremely successful, not for want of trying on both our parts.

I must say that toilet training is not easy. And it is even less easy with an 8 week old and a 16 month old put into the mix. However, we are trying. A lot. So when Lexi fell asleep on the floor in the lounge room at 4 o'clock I thought she might just need a little kip. When she was still asleep at 5.30 I thought I might just change her nappy and put some pants on her and put her to bed. Well, it's nearly 8 now and she's still asleep. I'm wondering what the rest of the night will bring, as she didn't have dinner. I wonder if toilet training is as exhausting for her as it is for me??

It's actually been kinda good to be honest, having her fall asleep early. Angus was having a little kip for a while there too and I got some great one on one time with Tabitha. She is such a little unit. Absolutely hilarious. She will repeat basically any word you throw at her (although she did look at me strangely when I asked her to say hippopotamus, but what can you do, we're all only human). We read some books, had a bit of a dance to the music channel, had some cuddles, and basically just experienced what it was like to have one child for a little while, which I rarely get to do with Tabitha, and I really enjoyed it.

I'm still rapt about the whole online grocery shopping thing. To the point where I'm visualising next time. How sad is that? It really is exciting though.....because my brain has been sapped of much of its worth in the real world I had no idea what I had ordered, so it was like Christmas, every bag I opened was a new surprise to discover. Lexi adored it too. Tabitha just eyed the delivery bloke off with great suspicion. I really don't think Angus cared one way or another to be honest.

Well I'm back. You didn't know I'd gone anywhere did you? Well, I went to look at something else and completely forgot I was blogging so there you go. It's a bit later now hahahhaa. Bet that time just flew for you......

I'm trying to build up the motivation to start my uni assignments but to be honest I just don't have it. I'm thinking maybe tomorrow. They're due in a few weeks' time. Hmmm. Probably should start. But, well, I truly can't be naffed. Executive decision I'm not going to. Yep. That's the way. I wonder if anyone else has these conversations with themselves....and answers......

I also wonder who is actually reading this....young people, old people, mums, single chicks, blokes, anyone....and what they's a deep day you can tell. Oh, but I'm making gyoza tomorrow hehehe. I am sooo excited about that! If you haven't heard of it, google it. Seriously.

Well, with the best of intentions I approached the computer, and with the relative comfort of the office chair underneath my larger than pre pregnancy posterior I have opted to ignore those intentions and chill. And chill I shall. Until something else invades my brain and I feel the need to splash it on here, just for the hell of it. As you do.

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