Saturday, November 27, 2010

It is my firm belief

that somewhere in my genetic history we must have been related to an octopus, for my children appear to have the ability not only to reach incredibly high, what would appear to be inaccessible places, but to do so at several of these locations at once. There is no other explanation for it.

I wonder where children learn to lie from, or whether it is built into humans when they are born. Yesterday I asked Lexi that age old question "Who has done a poo?" which is of course spoken on quite a few occasions in this house being that there are three bottoms apart from my own with which I am charged.

The answer? Angus. Now Angus was in bed, out of sight, and had most certainly not done a poo.

So I replied "No, it wasn't Angus" and I asked the question again. "Who has done a poo?"

Lexi: "Tab Tab", pointing at Tabitha with eyes wide open.

Me: "Oh really?" and over I go to check Tabitha (who I had changed literally minutes previously). "No, it isn't her". So third time lucky I say "Who has done a poo?" And Lexi says "Me" and giggles insanely.

Seriously wonder where they learn that.......

I have decided that it should be mandatory for all KFC restaurants to comply to the following list:

1. Be open 24/7
2. Offer home delivery
3. Every restaurant in Australia should offer hot n spicy chicken year round
4. There should be a frequent Kayfers card wherein you earn points every time you partake in the colonel's wonders resulting in free food.
5. There should be a birthday club where on your birthday  you get a free feed

This list could really go on for some time, but I think these few points are keepers. Definitely.

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