Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Sleep is an illusion

because every time I go to lie down one of the kids wakes up. It's like they know. I'm sure they know. So some days I test them and just stay up. And on THOSE days they don't wake up. Until I finally hit the wall at about 2am. THEN they wake up.

It's interesting isn't it.....as kids we fight sleep like nobody's business. But as adults, oh my lord give us some sleep!!!! Today Angus woke up at 3.53am for a feed, back down at 5.15am. Up again just before 8am. And then for the rest of the day, until just before 7pm, minus about 45 minutes, he was awake. Not wide awake, oh no. He was "if I realise I'm falling asleep I'll just open my eyes, even though they're rolling back in my head" kind of awake. Which is great. Really. No settling on the floor. Tummy time? Hell yeah why not, let's see if I can lift my head as hiiiiigh as possible oh yes oh yes I'm doing it oh crap it's too hard I'll just let my muscles go limp oh no why did the ground punch me I'm going to cry now. And then some.

Lexi was up at 4.30am when she fell out of bed. She made a simply sterling effort to remain awake all day. That said, she had the mood of a cane toad that had just been run over. Speaking of which, I ran over a cane toad tonight on the way to KFC. It isn't good. I hate toads, yes, but I don't want to run them over. All too graphic for me. That said I'm glad there is one less cane toad in the world.

Tabitha just woke up. I think she was hot, gave her some water, popped her back to sleep. That's the hard part living in the tropics. It is hot and muggy. Then night falls, it's still hot and muggy, but if enough rain falls it gets cool. So do you dress warm or cool? Well, we dress pyjama with thermostat heater. Usually this works fine. Note I say usually. Note to self - if bedroom door has been open throughout the course of the day, check thermostat temperature on heater to make sure darling children have not turned it up to "temperature of hell" rather than the "comfortable" setting it was previously on.

Anyway, for now all three kidlets and the big kid are asleep. And I'm sitting here, blogging away, because I find it very therapeutic. That and I'm having a glass of red, which doesn't work so well in bed.

Tomorrow is another day, and tomorrow I hope will start a lot later than today did. But nothing is sure, except death and taxes.....and that as soon as I lay my head down one of my kids will wake up....but you knew that already......

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