Sunday, November 7, 2010

Perspective is everything

It is amazing how something that is so sad for one person can be so joyous for another. Tabitha has a toy butterfly. It has four lights on it. When you push the middle button it plays a song. A long song. But there isn't just one song. There are many songs. And if you push the button halfway through one song the next song starts. Plinkity plinkity plink. It is much like, for example, being stuck in an elevator with The Girl from Ipanema playing alternately with Greensleeves. This butterfly is the Muzak of toys.

The butterfly ran out of batteries. Lexi was devastated. Tabitha moved on to another toy, but Lexi was heartbroken, she couldn't understand why pushing the button no longer played music. I on the other hand was overjoyed. I knew she was upset, I could see it in her eyes, but as I explained to her that the butterfly was either broken or had run out of batteries, and watched her shake her head in complete disbelief that this could ever happen, I was high fiving myself inside. Score. One less toy to listen to. But she knows. She's a cluey one. She pointed to the screws.....she knows that batteries make it work.....I told her we had no batteries. But soon she'll see, when she rummages through the drawers, as she is often sprung doing, that we do in fact have batteries. And I do not look forward to that day, for the butterfly will then rise like a phoenix from the ashes and the plinkity tones of twinkle twinkle will again cause my brain to seize on a regular basis as I pray for the batteries to once again die.

For the record I'm scared of butterflies. And moths. So it's pretty amazing I even allow them in the house. Don't get me wrong, they're pretty (butterflies, not moths), but seriously all they are are flying slugs. Moths, well, wasn't that an evil trick of mother nature, putting them on the earth. I once had one in the car as I was driving. It flitted straight at my head. I nearly killed myself swerving off the road, flinging the door open and commando rolling to safety. I had all the doors and the hatch open for a good ten minutes before I would even attempt to see if the moth had departed. So I think it's fair to say that yep, I'm scared of them. And you hear them at night, that tappity tap tap on the window pane....and you don't know if they are inside or out....and your whole body freezes and you know, categorically, that until this moth dies there will be no sleep.

Sorry, got sidetracked. Anyway, all the kids are asleep. Mick's gone back to the hospital to try and see if they will tell him if his kneecap is broken or just badly horse mauled. Hopefully it all goes okay.

And so, for now, I might surf facebook for a bit, stare at my darling babies for a while and then hit the hay, whereupon Angus will wake me, for there is apparently a sensor attached to my pillow, that whenever the weight of my head activates it, it sends a signal to my little mini dude to awaken.

Good night one and all and that, for now, is all.


  1. Christy u r so freaking funny!!! Sorry but u really made me laugh at yr moth story and commando rolling out of a car. But I hear u on those toys. The stupid ball popper does it for me. I like the fact the balls come flying out and jack still thinks that is hilarious but if u could just chose to play it with no noise that would be better. The batteries disappeared from it the other night hahaha

  2. LOL well it wasn't such a good look me flying out of the car. I got some very strange looks too...surprising hey? If the butterfly had a mute button I think I would be much happier. It's funny what the kids like though isn't it? I'm so tempted to do a toy cull while they're sleeping, is that wrong?
